Monday 11 October 2010

Final Cast Choices

For our final cast choice of 'Brad' we have chosen Scott Palmer. We chose him beause he is we feel conventonally good looking, clean cut and comes across aas a typical 'cheeky' jack the lad. We feel he bares comparison with the character of 'Leon Small' from Eastenders who we used as inspiraton for 'Brad'.
For 'Jessica' and 'Patrick' we chose Harry Fishwick and Jo Roberts. It was felt that the pair looked like a conventional couple with a moderate amout of money. Neither looks shabby but Harry has longer hair representing his less superficial nature to the rest of the cast. Jo has a dark auborn coloured hair style which is the similar look to 'Maria' from Coronation Street whom we based her character on.

The characters of 'Patrick' and 'Rochella' were chosen to be played by Tom Legresely and India Gothard. We chose India because we felt she was conventionally good looking with a slightly medditeranian look which would benefit the characters 'exotic' and 'seductive' nature. She is also small which contrasted with her baby bump and drew attention towards it also. We chose Tom because we felt he looked well kept which was vital for the character of Victor, he was also bigger built which presented him as more masculine as we wish the character of Vicor to be.

I decided to play the part of Emma-Louise as we felt it important for it to be played by a blonde girl with paler skin to connote her innocence and naive nature to the social world she has been entered in. We felt the other audtions for this part did not reflect the characters facade of innocence with a darker layer to her underneath.

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