Monday 3 January 2011

Soap Opera Poster Draft

We decided our poster should be simple and straight to the point of what it is designed to be advertising. However it should not be as obvious as a magazine cover and simply hint at the storylines in order to attract the viewer and be curious. The only text will be 'NOBODY KNOWS WHAT GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" which does not give away the storylines however does hint that all is not what it seems in this soap opera. This represents the hidden lives of all the characters in the soap. In the bottom right corner we should have written the soap name 'Fascade Manor' so that the viewer is immeadietly aware of what soap it is the posters advertising. We will use quite a dark smokey affect on the poster that will connote the mystery of the storylines. These will seperate photos of the long-mid shot of Rochella and Victor. Rochella looking smug with herself and the photo of Emma-Louise close up looking distraught crying with mascara down her face as a back-ground image. These combined contrast of emotions create curiousity in the storyline and is designed to draw attention to the soap opera.

The poster will use sterotypical colours and will use alot of black which has connotations of darkness and creates drama and tension. The bottom left of the poster the image will dennote brighter colours such as greens and blue's. This will contrast the rest of the black there for signifiying the 'fascade' we wish our soap opera to portray. The bottom left background image will be the 3 characters involved in the storyline being advertised standing hands on hip. Their facial expressions will connote the issues their characters are facing there for reflecting the drama. For the key image we used the idea of verisimilatude as the characters images are of Jessica and Brad in a natural position. This will create a more realistic feel to the soap and make it easier for the audience to identify with. The image will be a close up of Brad attempting to kiss Jessica which is the disruption in the plot that causes the tension in the storyline orgininally so is important to advertise. The heading 'nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors' is designed to be catchy and create curiousity. Strongly indicating that there are secrets in the plot of 'Fascade Manor'. The 'Fascade Manor' logo will be large and bold in the bottom right of the poster to make it clear to any potential audience which soap opera it is that is intruging them. The top right in smaller but still bold and bright writing the times and dates the soap opera is being shown will be written as it is similarly important to ensure viewers.

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