Sunday 2 January 2011

Soap Opera Poster Rough Draft

My plan was simpleThe title of the magazine will be bold in the corner still however other soap operas are not featured at all on the cover. The sub-text will be bold 'SECRET SON' in capital letters being immeadietly eye catching and drawing to the reader this will similarly connotes the drama of the storyline. 'SHOCK' in the bottom right of the corner is designed to give a similar affect. There will be to images on either side of the sub-heading banner. One of the Jarvis couple with which the storyline will be based around and another back ground image of their potential son. This could be improved by prehaps using more of the grammer to create curiousity and the drama desired. Smaller sub-headings would have been more affective to advertise the storyline. The colours again would be a common theme such as yellow, white, black and red to stick with generic codes and convetios. They are all colours that are bright and eye catching and also contrast each other in order to stand out.

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