Thursday 2 September 2010

3 Soap Opera Trailer Analysis

'CHECK OUT THE NEW TALENT' - hollyoaks trailer The images of make-up and jewellery connote glitter and wealth which connotes glamour. There is the appearance of a dressing room and the image of a photo shoot is set up which connotes models emphasising that the actors and actress’ are generally all young and attractive. The actors used in the advert are all young and attractive. The males are also dressed in suits or topless also emphasising the glamour of the soap. The song used in the trailer is ‘The Black Keys’ – ‘Next Girl’ which has a slow constant beat which illustrates the ‘strut’ of the females of the cast. The lyrics in the song are ‘my ex girl ooh, she has such a beautiful face’ so although the lyrics are only subtle throughout the trailer every last detail connotes the beauty and glamour of the soap and the cast within the soap. Throughout the trailer there are close ups of the characters faces usually reactions to the attractiveness of the ‘new’ males and females. At the end there is a close up of a make-up artist touching up one the new character make-up which is typical of celebrities and adds to the glamour of the trailer. There is also mide-shots of various accessories, like a male playing football with a disco ball which shows a stereotypically male activity and adds the glamour of the soap opera. There are also constant images of accessories such as high heels which are often related the female sex appeal. There is a close up of one of the female characters flapping her hand towards her face which indicates her attraction to the new cast. The glamorous model image the trailer gives is concluded at the end of the advert with a wide establishing shot of all the cast delicately posed and as the make-up artist leaves the shot it gives the image of celebrities. The over the shoulder shots give the impression that the females are using up all the males attention. The trailer is primarily used to advertise the new coming characters by using a blank screen and ‘check out the new talent’ across it. The text appears to shine as a spot of light wipes across the text, this again connotes money and glamour. It is evident this is the basis of the trailer as the first half of the trailer uses the old cast and their reaction of attraction and surprise as the other group of young attractive characters enter – which are seemingly all new cast members.

'READY OR NOT HERE I COME' - Eastenders Throughout the whole trailer the BBC one logo is shown on the centre of the screen. The trailer starts with a close up of heavily coated eyes applying mascara which immediately gives an impression of the character the soap is introducing. The advert then flashes backwards into a frame which is a sepia tone and indicates how the trailer is flashing the past so the character involved is an old member of the cast. The frame then switches again to a close up of the female applying lipstick which makes the character appear made-up and feminine. The trailer switches between the flashback sepia tone where the narrative story of the character is being portrayed and then back to the character which each time hints at the past that the character has already had on the soap. Each time slightly more is revealed until there is a long shot of the character ‘Sam Mitchell’ before the close up which gives a dramatic feel. The non-diegetic song used in the trailer is the opening seconds of ‘Amy Winehouse’ – ‘You Know I’m No Good’ which has a mischievous tone too it. The speech throughout the trailer comes from the leading female’s voice and the line “ready or not here I come” attracts the viewer to the advert as it hints at upcoming storylines where the character may cause trouble in the near future.

'STRICTLY FOR THE FAINT HEARTED' - Hollyoaks The non-diegetic music used is a song named 'heads will roll' by 'Yeah yeah yeahs' which automatically connotes the storyline being advertised in the trailer. the image of the characters dancing firstly denotes romance which is quickly contrasted the the violence where the cast knock into one another. The images of spilling paint. They use a mosaic of close up and mid shots of various character in the soap opera dancing, for example the family of the main couple 'carmel' and 'calvin'. It is shown they are the central characters as the trailer begins with the character of' Calvin Valentine' dancing into the middle of the scene. He is the only character to feature in a midshot face on alone in the whole trailer connoting his importance to the storyline. The characters dancing around the couple dennote vviolence as they elbow the lead couple and knock into them. This connotes anger and aggression towards the central characters hinting the dramatic nature of their up coming wedding due to the hatred felt towards the groom. Mean while his wife to be remains smiling and happy which represents her innocence and naiivity in the upcoming plot. The non-diagetic music fades out towards the end of the trailer as the chracter looks at his stained hand and what appears to dennote blood. This connotes his realisation to the reality of the situation he is in and advertises the plot as he has obviously done something dramatic to get himself in trouble. The long shot of the only characters not shown to be dancing in the trailer are his family, keeping with the theme of ballroom dancing they hold up points cards, all being '9' . This connotes the death or violence that it is hinted will take place as '999' is Britains emergency contact number (where the soap is set) and this implies the character will need an ambulance. At the end of the commerical there is a non-diagetic voice over 'strictly not for the faint hearted'. Before giving the information of when the soap can be viewed, this is an important contribution to a soap opera trailer as it is pointles to advertise if the viewer does not know where they can watch the soap. The lighting throughout the trailer is very dark which is a typical convention of a morbid storyline. As the trailer is possibly advertising a death the darkness of it also connotes this. At the very start however there is a bright light which is also often interpreted as a sign of death, but can similaly represent innocence, as the character of 'Calvin' moves into the light blocking it, it connotes the fact that his is 'blocking the innocence'. All the characters are dressed in black or pink. The black again connotes the upcoming death along with the white shirts, which is then directly contrasted with the bright red paint, connoting blood. All of the females are dressed in pink and the trailer appears to be largely female dominated which is an unusual convention of a trailer advertising death but represents the many women that will be largely important in the upcoming storyline.

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