Thursday 2 September 2010

Analysis of Previous Years Soap Opera

Camera Work

The group had effective use of camera work and angles. they experimented with zoom and their rotating low shot emphasises the drama and the plot of the soap. It creates suspense effectively which is very important to a soap opera trailer. They have made good use of long shots and mid-shots where necissary to portray a clear storyline well to the viewer. The over the shoulder shot used at the beginning of the trailer conveys the storyline of the two secret lovers well and give us a clear perspective of the soap and also attracts us to watching the programme.
In some parts of the trailer they used good mise-en-scene like the the shooting actually inside the car right at the start. they could have however improved the 'sofa' area where the drama unfolds as due to the completly black back-drop gives the scene a more theatrical look and does not look comfortably like a lounge. The woodland area is effective as they film the ground which looks damp and muddy - giving a dreary effect which is effective and portrays the storyline well. The items left on the ground also attract the viewer to the soap as they are almost clues to the plot and the mystery of the storyline.
The sound is effective and fits well with the storyline however it could be improved by using some diegetic sound also. this would give us an idea of the realism of the soap as this is a convention soap operas are designed to portray rather than the effect of a film using a soundtrack.
The editing is interesting as they use fades which make the transition from each scenes clear and interesting. This is also effective to portray the mystery of the storyline. they use text and a catch-line 'how can one person...' 'change everything?'. this is an open tailed line which can imply numerous things to the plot of the soap. This is effective as it leaves the viewer anticipating what may happen next and they are more likely to watch the soap due to this creating an effective trailer. The black backdrop is well contrasted to the white writing so looks bold and dramatic however the font could have been more dramatic and bold.

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